Job descriptions

Writing a job description has been done a million times over so there is no need to reinvent the wheel as it were. On the Internet there are plenty of guides and here on this site there is a  sample Job Description which will successfully guide you in making your own. For those who want a generic  Support Worker Job Description  with all the basic requirements there is one available in the shopping cart, it comes as part of the Business Manual and the Recruitment Package.

Generally what is covered in a job description is –what you want from a worker, require as an employer and what is being offered as remuneration .

What duties and tasks need to be performed and the level of skill needed?

The specific skills needed and if staff training is offered.

A simple description about you or your loved one, possibly including a brief about your personality and temperament, something of your interests or things that bring you enjoyment. You might mention your gender and what you are hoping to achieve with this support.

(You could include your condition or disability if you want to or feel this is relevant here, or you may choose to leave this till the interview rounds.)

The type of required tasks, days, times and hours of work.

Decide on your offered pay rate, be clear and state where you got your information from i.e. the SCHADS 2010 award and fair trade guidelines or NDIS etc. Be competitive with your offer, do some background research on what the current rate is for a similar or the same job.

Main tasks

Selection criteria details are the must have and desirable qualities you’re after, i.e. initiative, empathy, honesty, efficiency, etc. See what make a great support worker and initial job advertising if you have not already viewed these topics.